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8th and FINAL workout for June!!!

Today, I naturally woke up at 6:30 am, which is not a surprise. I've been working for the last 3 days and wake up around 5 am to get to work on time. I wouldn't call myself a morning person but, I do aspire to be one! While getting ready for today, I recalled several moments where I would be driving and would see random people working out; I always wondered, what type of job do they have to allow them to walk at 9 am? Maybe they were nurses! 😄

I enjoyed my walk today but, made the mistake of reading a text and replying. It was from my manager. So, I made up for it by completing a 15-minute meditation. My workouts are dedicated times to focus on me and fulfill my needs. Remember, it is okay to take time out of your day or week to focus on yourself. We cannot help others if we do not help ourselves.

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