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First Activity Challenge!

Updated: Jun 24, 2019

I completed my first activity challenge! I walked for 15 minutes. It was a rough start, I went back to my apartment two to three times for varies things before I started the workout. Life is not perfect but yet a lot of us try to strive for perfection. Embrace the imperfections, it's what makes us unique, I know I am trying. For now, I will be sticking to walking, it is the simplest form of physical activity that doesn't require much, a good pair of shoes and a pathway (inside or outdoors). Keep in mind that you can choose any activity as long as your body is moving and your heart is pumping. Listen to your body and work at your own pace. If you are unable to complete 15 mins then do less or break it up throughout the day (ex: 5 mins three times a day) or if 15 minutes is not challenging then increase the time, customize it to your body and your environment/situation. This page is to create a community and motivate you to become and feel your best self. 

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